Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Legos & Flash Cards

Being a WAHM, it's always difficult to stay on top of things at the house. I have been such the delinquent mother, not being on top of my kids' basic needs and school work, so being the impulsive person I am, the past few weeks, I've been buying tons of things for my kids: basic necessities such as gloves, coats, sweaters, you know, things you need to get through the winter. I even bought fresh pairs of socks this month so they don't scramble for them before they catch the bus early morning.

For weeks my oldest kept telling me his shoes are small and has worn them down to the point there are holes around the base, so sand seeps in when he is at the playground, so finally I took the plunge and bought him a pair of shoes. Finally I bought my kids boots this week even though it's not boots season, but it's been raining so much here, I decided to buy each one of them a pair.

This past January was also when their report cards came in, and much to my chagrin, I was mortified to see how my two oldest have really slid in math and reading. In knee jerk response, I researched hours on books, flash cards, and study aids and behold, everything I ordered came in this week, and we've been cracking down on the books ever since.

Now, mind you, my kids are shocked at all the things I have bombarded them with, so naturally they took out their Perfect Pouches, and stuffed all their new belongings: study aids, flash cards, math aids, gloves, socks, and I love them!

Here is a picture of the Legos my five year old stores, and another picture of extra pair of shoes my daughter takes with her when she wears her boots to school, but wants to change into something more comfortable in the classroom.

I love having them for flash cards, not only do they organize nicely from the original packaging, but they look so pretty sitting in our baskets. Oh, and can I tell you? I love flash cards! I rediscovered them this week, and love teaching out of them. Thus far, I have been able to cram all of the multiplication facts for my 3rd grader, and teaching sight words to my 5 year old. It's been so fun seeing them learn so quickly!