Friday, January 15, 2010

Sign up for our FaceBook Page!

Do you have Facebook page? I love Facebook. I know so many of my friends are turned off by it, (they think the traditional way of meeting/staying in touch is the better way) but I think it's an excellent platform to network and exchange ideas. I have a personal page as well as our Sam & Bellie company fan page. If you are not very active on it, consider Sam & Bellie Fan Page!

Wow! I didn't really believe in social networking until just recently. I am super excited about our Facebook page! Become a fan on our FACEBOOK page, and you will get all the exclusive promotions and giveaway. See what is the current promotion now!

I will be also running this promotion next month on our BLOG too, so if you miss it, it's okay, you will have another chance to enter!

It is much easier for a small company like myself post promotions and news on our FACEBOOK page. Thank you so much for supporting our company!