Sunday, January 24, 2010

Another Week!

This week is going to be a week of sending out products for those who want a free product from Jaq Jaq Bird! We are asking for a review on Amazon's site! The response has been so overwhelming, we will have to charge for shipping. For Canada, it is a flat $12 includes handling and for US, it is $10.50 includes handling. If interested, you must sign up as a fan on Facebook, and be willing to give a full review on

Oh, this week starts the 2nd week of the second semeseter of violin and orchestra for my youngest two. I am really, really dreading it. I carpool with my violin stand partner's children (pictured here), and it really gives us no time to do anything other than music. The children meet everyday, and we drive 20 minutes each way to get to class. This image is when they were doing their holiday concert, right before they were entering the stage. I was so close to quitting this semester, but after talking to maestro, I decided to stick it out for another semester. I don't know why, I think it's a great program, but frankly, it's too much time, and I think I am driving myself crazy more than the kids. I just can't get myself to have the kids quit and, every time I complain to my husband (who thinks I should have them quit), he listens, sits back and nods without saying a word. Then tomorrow I am back to doing the same thing again. Such the life of the mom-preneuer!