Wednesday, October 13, 2010

ABC Booth in Las Vegas, 2019.

Let's switch gears for this next post. It's hard managing a business and running a family. So, we are at ABC this year. Please look for us at 2019. I have been working hard on illustrator, trying to design on my own as well. Tomorrow is the last day at ABC, please visit us at Spotlight Baby booth 2019. You will see the full line. Coming soon, we just signed on with a great distributor in Japan, it should hit all of mainland early 2011. So excited! For now, if you are Japanese, just email me directly, or you can always buy on our website.

Oh, and the children??? They started a new school, the public school here in our neighborhood, and it's been great. I pulled them out of the private school because they didn't offer any JSL, and the public school graciously let us in after begging the board of education for almost a year!